Interior Decor
Regency Walnut Tazza Bowl
Restored Stone Mushroom Collection
Restored Wooden Unit
Retro Bush Radio
RN AAC Westland Lynx Helicopter Aircrew Pilots Seat (SOLD)
Rolls-Royce Spey Turbofan Engine Table (SOLD)
Royal Arch Masonry Tools
Royal Navy Leather Cordite Carrier (SOLD)
Royal Navy Triple Cordite Stick Stand
Scottish Carved Bleached Oak Mirror.
Scottish Turn of The Century Astra Glaze Window Mirror
Set of 3 Antique French Confit Pots (SOLD)
Set Of 5 Antique Lithograph Prints By J.P Malcolm
Set Of 8 Regency Cane Parlour Chairs (SOLD)
Set of Antique Italian Brass Weights
Silver Plated Greyhound Trophy (SOLD)