Coalbrookdale Cast Iron Stick Stand
Colonial Padauk Bow Fronted Chest of Drawers (SOLD)
Decorative Antique Cigar and Cigarette Box in Coromandel Wood (SOLD)
Double Sided Enamel Lyons Tea Advertising Sign
Drew & Sons Silver & Leather Bound Hip Flask (SOLD)
Early 19th Century Antique Leather Fire Bucket (SOLD)
Early 19th Century Copper Cauldron (SOLD)
Early 20th Century French Faux Bamboo Tallboy (SOLD)
Early 20th Century Philips & Son’s 19 inch Slate Surface Globe (SOLD)
Early Antique Folk Art Wooden Jointed Dog (SOLD)
Early Georgian Oak Dresser Base
Early Kenrick & Co Cast Iron Boot Scrape
Early Portrait “Stray” By Marjorie Cox of Queen Victoria’s Dog Islay
Early Victorian Carved Over Door Pediment (SOLD)
Early Victorian Copper Cauldron (SOLD)