Photography Props
A Pair Of Vintage Single Drawer Haberdashery Cabinets (SOLD)
A Pair of Vintage Stone Ducks (SOLD)
A Rare Chinoiserie Folding Card Table (SOLD)
A Rare Chinoiserie Folding Card Table (SOLD)
A Rare Citroen DS Decapotable Child’s Pedal Car (SOLD)
A Rare Compton Pottery Figure of Saint George
A Rare Farrbest & Sons Aluminium Hat Stretcher (SOLD)
A Rare Large Victorian Hand Carved Lions Head
A Rare Royal Sovereign Pencil Shop Display Case
A vintage Dunhill steel tankard table lighter
A.W.Dear Fibre & Leather Travel Trunk (SOLD)
Aluminium Hat Stretcher (SOLD)
Aluminium Industrial Elfo Lamp With Brass Rod By Disano Illuminazione Italy
Aluminium Milliners Colonial Pith Helmet Mould (SOLD)
Aluminium Milliners Hat Mould
Aluminium Milliners Pith Helmet Mould