Vintage Mannequin Lubé Paris Bust
Vintage Mannequin Lubé Paris Bust
Vintage Mannequin Lubé Paris Bust
Vintage McGuire Wheat Sheaf Console Table (SOLD)
Vintage Medical Anatomical Skeleton Model
Vintage Murano Art Glass Sweets (SOLD)
Vintage Oak 1930’s 8 Drawer Haberdashery Cabinet (SOLD)
Vintage Pair Of Mahogany Luggage Stands (SOLD)
Vintage Parabolic Searchlight Mirror On Stand
Vintage Parisian Holophane Prismatic Globe Lights (SOLD)
Vintage Peregrinum Log Basket (SOLD)
Vintage Photax Studio Floor Lamp
Vintage Polished Aluminium Royal Coat Of Arms (SOLD)
Vintage Polished Steel Medicine Cabinet (SOLD)
Vintage Pragotron Double Sided Station Clock
Vintage Pratts Metal Petrol Can (SOLD)